(sŏr′ē, sôr′ē)adj. sor·ri·er, sor·ri·est
a. Feeling or expressing sorrow: We're distressing to hear that y'all're leaving so soon.
b. Feeling or expressing sympathy or pity: She felt pitiful for the rain-soaked true cat.
c. Feeling or expressing regret, especially for a criminality or mistake: He said he was pitiful for breaking the window. I'm sorry I yelled at you.
two. Worthless or junior; paltry: a lamentable excuse.
3. Causing sorrow, grief, or misfortune; grievous: a sorry evolution.
1. Used to express amends.
2. Used to express interrogation, specially as a asking for a person to say something again.
[Heart English language sori, from Old English language sārig, sad, from sār, sore.]
sor′ri·ly adv.
sor′ri·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.
(ˈsɒrɪ)adj, -rier or -riest
one. (often foll by: for) feeling or expressing compassion, sympathy, remorse, grief, or regret: I feel sorry for him.
2. pitiful, wretched, or deplorable: a sorry sight.
3. poor; paltry: a sorry excuse.
iv. afflicted by sorrow; distressing
5. causing sorrow or sadness
an exclamation expressing apology, used esp at the time of the misdemeanour, offence, etc
[Old English sārig; related to Onetime High German sērag; encounter sore]
ˈsorrily adv
ˈsorriness n
Collins English Lexicon – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈsɒr i, ˈsɔr i)adj. -ri•er, -ri•est.
1. feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: sorry to leave ane's friends.
2. regrettable or sad; unfortunate: a sorry situation.
3. sorrowful; grieved.
four. suggestive of grief; melancholy.
5. wretched, poor, or useless.
six. (used interjectionally as a conventional apology): Did I bump you lot? Sorry.
[before 900; Eye English language; Sometime English language sārig, c. Sometime Saxon, Old Loftier High german sērag. Run into sore, -y1]
sor′ri•ly, adv.
sor′ri•ness, north.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Lexicon, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
You lot say 'Sorry' or 'I'g lamentable' equally a way of apologizing for something you have done.
'You're giving me a headache with that noise.' – 'Sorry.'
I'm sorry I'm so tardily.
Be Careful!
Lamentable is an adjective, not a verb. Don't say 'I sorry'.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Adj. | 1. | ![]() regretful, bad penitent, repentant - feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds |
2. | sorry - bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a sad state"; "a lamentable conclusion"; "her dress were in pitiful shape"; "a sad country of affairs" deplorable, lamentable, pitiful, distressing, sad bad - having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report carte"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad footling male child"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad selection" | |
iii. | pitiful - without merit; "a deplorable horse"; "a sad alibi"; "a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick"; "the car was a no-skilful piece of junk" good-for-naught, skilful-for-nothing, meritless, no-account, no-count, no-skilful worthless - lacking in usefulness or value; "a worthless idler" | |
iv. | sad - causing dejection; "a bluish day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing conditions"; "a disconsolate wintertime landscape"; "the start dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy mean solar day"; "grim rainy weather" drear, dismal, dreary, disconsolate, muddy, gloomy, drab, grim, blue, nighttime cheerless, depressing, uncheerful - causing pitiful feelings of gloom and inadequacy; "the economic outlook is depressing"; "something cheerless about the room"; "a moody and uncheerful person"; "an uncheerful place" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton Academy, Farlex Inc.
describing word
one. regretful, apologetic, contrite, repentant, guilt-ridden, remorseful, penitent, shamefaced, censor-stricken, in sackcloth and ashes, self-reproachful She was very sorry nigh all the trouble she'd acquired.
regretful unrepentant, unashamed, unapologetic, shameless, impenitent, not contrite, unremorseful
2. sympathetic, moved, total of compassion, pitying, empathetic, commiserative I am very sorry for the family unit.
sympathetic indifferent, unmoved, unconcerned, unsympathetic, heartless, uncompassionate, compassionless (rare), unpitying
three. sad, distressed, unhappy, grieved, melancholy, mournful, sorrowful, disconsolate What he must not do is sit around at abode feeling sorry for himself.
lamentable happy, delighted, cheerful, joyful, elated
4. wretched, miserable, pathetic, mean, base, poor, sad, sorry, dismal, shabby, vile, paltry, pitiful, abject, deplorable, pitiable, piteous She is in a sorry country.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Linguistic communication – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
describing wordi. Expressing or inclined to express an amends:
2. Feeling or expressing regret for i's sins or misdeeds:
3. Disturbing because of failure to measure out up to a standard or produce the desired results:
The American Heritage® Roget'southward Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
آسِفبائِس، مُؤْسِف عَفْوا مُتأسِّف! نادِم، حَزين
promiňte prosím zarmoucený zoufalý ubohý
undskyld ked af det elendig ked af
anteeksi anteeksi! paha pahoillaan surkea
oprostite! sažalijevati žao mi je
bocs bocsánat elnézést elnézést kérek nagyon sajnálom!
afsakið afsakiî! fyrirgefîu! fyrirgefðu fyrirgefðu mér leiîur, fullur eftirsjár
かわいそうな ごめんなさい ごめんなさい! すまない すみません
미안! 애석한 유감스러운
besigailintis prašau?
apbēdināts Atvainojiet! kā, lūdzu? nožēlojams slikts
ľutujem prepáč
pomilovati žal
ledsen sorglig tycka synd om ursäkta förlåt
เสียใจ เศร้า เสียใจกับ สงสาร ขอโทษ
thương hại thương tiếc xin lỗi xin lỗi!
[ˈsɒrɪ] ADJ (sorrier (compar) (sorriest (superl)))
one. (= apologetic) I'm then sorry! → ¡lo siento mucho!, ¡perdón!
sorry! → ¡perdón!, ¡perdone!, ¡disculpe! (esp LAm)
sorry I'm late! → ¡siento llegar tarde!
I'g sorry to bother you but → siento or (frm) lamento molestarle, pero ...
to be sorry about/for sth → sentir algo, lamentar algo (frm)
I'g sorry about what I said last night → siento lo que dije anoche
we are sorry for any inconvenience acquired → lamentamos cualquier molestia ocasionada
to say pitiful (to sb) (for sth) → pedir perdón or (esp LAm) disculpas (a algn) (por algo)
go and say sad! → ¡anda ve y pide perdón or disculpas!
I've said I'thou sorry, what more do you want? → ya he dicho que lo siento, ¿qué más quieres?
2. (= repentant) → arrepentido
he wasn't in the least bit distressing → no estaba arrepentido en lo más mínimo
you'll exist sorry for this! → ¡me las pagarás!, ¡te arrepentirás (de esto)!
iii. (= regretful, sad) I'm sorry, she's busy at the moment → lo siento, en este momento está ocupada
I can't say I'm sorry → no puedo decir que lo sienta
to be sorry nearly sth/sb I'm lamentable about your female parent/most what happened → siento or (frm) lamento lo de tu madre/lo sucedido
I can't tell you lot how sorry I am → no te puedes hacer una idea de cuánto lo siento
to be sorry that → sentir or (frm) lamentar que + subjun
I'm sorry he didn't become the task → siento que no consiguiera el trabajo
I'chiliad lamentable to hear that you're leaving → me da pena saber que te vas
we are sorry to have to tell you that → lamentamos tener que decirle que ...
I was sorry to hear of your accident → siento or lamento lo de tu accidente
information technology was a failure, I'm distressing to say → me duele reconocerlo, pero fue united nations fracaso
no i seemed very lamentable to encounter him become → nadie parecía sentir or lamentar mucho que se fuera
4. (= pitying)
to be or feel sorry for sb I'm distressing for him → lo compadezco
I feel sad for the kid → el niño me da lástima or pena
it'due south no expert feeling sorry for yourself → no sirve de mucho lamentarte de tu suerte
to look deplorable for o.s → tener un aspecto triste
7. (when correcting o.s.) it's the third, sorry, the quaternary on the left → es la tercera, perdón, la cuarta a la izquierda
8. (when disagreeing) I'grand deplorable, I can't agree with you → lo siento or perdona, pero no puedo darte la razón
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English language/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
pred (= sad) → traurig; I was distressing to hear that → es tat mir leid, das zu hören or das hören zu müssen; we were pitiful to hear about your female parent's death → es tat uns leid, dass deine Mutter gestorben ist; he wasn't in the to the lowest degree bit sorry to hear the news → es war ihm egal, was passiert war; I can't say I'yard lamentable he lost → es tut mir wirklich nicht leid, dass er verloren lid; I'one thousand not distressing I did it → es tut mir nicht leid, es getan zu haben; this work is no good, I'm sorry to say → diese Arbeit taugt nichts, das muss ich leider sagen; to be or feel sorry for somebody/oneself → jdn/sich selbst bemitleiden; I feel lamentable for the child → das Kind tut mir leid; I feel sorry for him having to … → es tut mir leid, dass er … muss; I'thousand only sorry I didn't practise it sooner → es tut mir nur leid, dass ich es nicht eher getan habe; don't feel sorry for me, I don't need your pity! → du brauchst mich nicht zu bedauern, kein Mitleid, bitte!; you'll be sorry (for this)! → das wird dir noch leidtun!
(in apologizing, = repentant) sorry! → Entschuldigung!, Verzeihung!; I'm/he's sorry → es tut mir/ihm leid; I'm so sorry! → entschuldige(due north Sie) bitte!; can you lend me £5? — sorry → kannst du mir £ 5 leihen? — bedaure, leider nicht; pitiful? (= pardon) → wie bitte?; he'south from England, sorry Scotland → er ist aus England, nein, Entschuldigung, aus Schottland; to say sorry (to somebody for something) → sich (bei jdm für etw) entschuldigen; I'1000 pitiful to hurt you → es tut mir leid, dass ich dir wehtun muss; I'm lamentable but … → (es) tut mir leid, aber …; I'm sorry about that vase/your dog → es tut mir leid um dice Vase/um Ihren Hund; I'1000 sorry about Thursday, but I can't make it → es tut mir leid mit Donnerstag, aber ich kann nicht; I'chiliad sorry virtually (what happened on) Thursday → es tut mir leid wegen Donnerstag
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈsɒrɪ] adj (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl)))
a. (in apologizing) sorry! → scusa! (or scusi! or scusate!)
awfully sorry!, so deplorable!, very lamentable! (more polite) → scusa (or scusi or scusate) tanto!
to exist sorry → essere spiacente or desolato/a
to say distressing (to sb for sth) → chiedere scusa (a qn per qc)
to be sad about sth → essere dispiaciuto/a or spiacente di qc
I'm sorry virtually what happened final night → scusami per quello che è successo ieri sera
I'm deplorable, but yous're incorrect → scusa ma hai torto
to exist pitiful to have to do sth → essere spiacente di dover fare qc
b. (Brit) (what did y'all say?) distressing? → come, scusa?
c. (regretful, pitiful) → triste, addolorato/a, desolato/a
I'thou sorry to hear that ... → mi dispiace (sapere) che...
I'm sorry to tell you lot that ... → mi dispiace dirti che...
information technology was a failure, I'm sorry to say → purtroppo è stato un fiasco
I tin can't say I'chiliad sorry → non posso dire che mi dispiaccia
you'll be sorry for this! → te ne pentirai!
d. (pitying) to be or experience deplorable for sb → dispiacersi per qn
to be or feel sorry for o.s. → compiangersi, piangersi addosso
e. (condition, tale) → pietoso/a; (sight, failure) → triste; (excuse) → misero/a
in a sad state → in uno stato pietoso
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈsori) adjective1. used when apologizing or expressing regret. I'g deplorable (that) I forgot to return your book; Did I give y'all a fear? I'm sorry. jammer آسِف съжалявам sinto muito lituji leid tun ked af det συγγνώμη lo siento (mul on) kahju تاسف anteeksi désolé מִצטַעֵר खेद biti žao (isprika) (nagyon) sajnálom! menyesal leiður, fullur eftirsjár spiacente, dispiaciuto ごめんなさい 미안한 apgailestaujantis, atsiprašantis Atvainojiet! maaf spijt lei seg zmartwiony خواشینی peço desculpa dezolat сожалеющий; извиняющийся prepáčte, ľutujem žal mi je izvini ledsen ที่ขอโทษ üzgünüm, özür dilerim 抱歉的 вибачте!; перепрошую افسوس ظاہر کرنے کے لیے مستعمل dùng để xin lỗi, tiếc nuối 抱歉的
ii. apologetic or total of regret. I call up he's really sorry for his bad behaviour; I'grand sure you were deplorable to hear about his death. jammer نادِم، حَزين съжаляващ pesaroso nešťastný, zoufalý bedauern ked af μετανιωμένος, λυπημένος triste, arrepentido, desolado kahetsema متاسف pahoillaan désolé מִצטַעֵר दु:ख koji žali, kojemu je žao sajnálja; szomorú menyesal leiður, fullur eftirsjár dispiaciuto 残念な 유감인 apgailestaujantis, besigailintis Šķiet, viņš tiešām nožēlo savu slikto uzvedību. menyesal bedroefd lei for zmartwiony, pełen żalu خواشینی pesaroso dezolat сожалеющий; огорчённый smutný užaloščen ožalošćen ledsen ที่เสียใจ üzgün 遺憾的 такий, що жалкує; такий, що шкодує رنجیدہ، افسوس کرنے والا دکھی lấy làm buồn 遗憾的
3. unsatisfactory; poor; wretched. a sorry state of diplomacy. jammer بائِس، مُؤْسِف лош lamentável neuspokojivý, chabý, ubohý traurig elendig αξιοθρήνητος, άθλιος lamentable vilets ناراضي؛ تاسف آور surkea triste מצער दयनीय, खराब jadan, bijedan siralmas buruk sorglegur penoso, misero みじめな 불만족스러운, 부족한, 서투른 apgailėtinas slikts; nožēlojams teruk treurig lei, bedrøvelig, sørgelig kiepski خواشینی lamentável trist жалкий neuspokojivý, žalostný, zlý beden jadan eländig, bedrövlig ไม่สบายใจ berbat, acınacak 可憐的 жалюгідний, нікчемний خستہ حال، زدہ حالت nghèo nàn, đáng thương hại 可怜的
interjectioni. used when apologizing. Did I tread on your toe? Sorry! jammer مُتأسِّف! Извинявай! perdão! promiňte Verzeihung! undskyld! συγγνώμη! ¡perdón!, ¡disculpe! vabandust! متاسفم anteeksi pardon! "מִצטַעֵר" माफ करें uzvik: Žao mi je! Izvinite! (pardon) bocsánat! maaf afsakið! fyrirgefðu! scusa, scusate, scusi ごめんなさい 미안합니다 atsiprašau! atvainojiet! Maaf pardon beklager!; unnskyld! Przepraszam. خواشینی perdão! pardon! извините; простите prepáčte oprostite! izvini förlåt!, ursäkta! ขอโทษ affedersiniz 抱歉的 вибачте!; перепрошую افسوس ظاہرکرتے وقت مستعمل xin lỗi 抱歉的
2. (used when request a person to repeat what he has said) I beg your pardon?. Distressing (, what did you say)? verskoon my عَفْوا Моля? desculpe prosím Verzeihung, .. undskyld πώς είπατε; perdón, disculpe kuidas palun? ببخشيد؟ anteeksi pardon סְלִיחָה? माफ करें (kad molimo osobu da ponovi nešto): Oprostite (što ste rekli)? Tessék? maaf afsakið! fyrirgefðu! come?, prego? もう一度言って下さい (되물을 때) 미안합니다 (atsi)prašau? kā, lūdzu? minta maaf wat zegt u? hva sa du? Słucham? وبښی desculpe pardon?, poftim? простите prosím? oprostite molim hursa? ใช้เมื่อขอร้องให้ผู้ใดผู้หนึ่งทวนคำพูดที่ตนเองได้ยินไม่ชัด pardon 對不起 вибачте, (що)?; перепрошую, (що)? کسی سے دوبارہ کچھ کہنے کا التماس gì ạ 对不起
be/feel sorry forto compassion. I'm / I feel actually sorry for that poor woman. jammer voel vir يأْسَف، يُشْفِقُ على изпитвам съжаление sentir muito mít soucit south selbestsicher sein accept ondt af λυπάμαι κπ. sentir, lamentar kahju tundma, kaasa tundma دلسوزي كردن sääliä être/se sentir sûr de soi לְרַחֵם עַל किसी के प्रति दया प्रदर्शित करना sretan i zadovoljan sajnál kasihan vera sjálfsöruggur dispiacere 自信を持つ 안타깝게 생각하다 gailėtis izjust nožēlu/žēlumu bersimpati aftands bli lurt/svindlet żałować, litować się nad زړه سوی کول estar confiante a fi sigur de sine însuşi сочувствовать mať súcit s, ľutovať pomilovati sažaljevati tycka synd om, vara ledsen för ngns skull น่าสงสาร ...-e acımak, için üzülmek 有自信心 жалкувати افسوس کرنا، ترس کھانا cảm thấy thương hại đối với ai 同情的,为…感到难过
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 One thousand Dictionaries Ltd.
→ آسِف litující, promiňte!, zarmoucený ked af det, undskyld leidtun, Verzeihung! λυπημένος, συγγνώμη! ¡perdón!, apenado, lamentar, triste anteeksi!, pahoillaan, tuntea myötätuntoa compatir, être désolé, pardon ! oprostite!, sažalijevati, žao mi je dispiaciuto, scusi! ごめんなさい!, 寂しく思う, 気の毒に思う 미안!, 애석한, 유감스러운 medelijden, sad!, spijtig beklager, beklager!, synd być przykro, przepraszam!, współczuć desculpe!, lamentar, pena, sentir pena, sinto muito! переживать, простите!, сожалеть förlåt!, ledsen, tycka synd om เสียใจ เศร้า, เสียใจกับ สงสาร, ขอโทษ affedersiniz!, üzgün olmak, üzülmek thương hại, thương tiếc, xin lỗi! 同情的, 对不起!, 遗憾的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. apesadumbrado-a; arrepentido-a;
I am ___ → Lo siento;
to be ___ → arrepentirse de;
to be ___ for [someone] → tener lástima de (alguien).
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj to be — sentir, lamentar; I'm sorry you had to wait so long ..Lamento (Siento) que haya tenido que esperar tanto tiempo... I'm lamentable ..Lo siento.
English-Spanish/Castilian-English Medical Lexicon Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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